Category Archives: Adventures in Motherhood

Gifts To Get A Rad NEW Baby Momma That Don’t Suck [Postpartum Edition]

[metaslider id=2096] Babies get all the good stuff. Serious. I mean, baby things are itty-bitty and thus, friggin’ adorable, yes but that’s besides the point. Where is the love for momma? After all, she’s the one that just grew and gave life to the lil’ fooshnicken, right?! And she’s the one that will carry the […]

One Size Does Not Fit All: Navigating Entry Into The World of Menstrual Cups.

Menstruation happens. Repeatedly. Ad nauseam. It serves a purpose but I’ve yet to meet any woman who counts down the days until her next period with glee as opposed to dread or at best resignation. Fingers crossed it doesn’t fall on a vacation or big meeting; been there, done that. But I’ve a confession to […]

7 Epic Face Plants From My First Year As A Mompreneur (And what I learned as a result).

So I’ve been doing this mom gig for 18 months now and the entrepreneur thing for close to a year. I want to say that I’ve handled both roles with the utmost grace and dignity but truth be told, I’ve thrown some pretty childish tantrums, self-indulgent cry fests and made some embarrassingly dramatic declarations in […]

It’s Not Your Fault. Your Toddler Is An A**hole.

Remember when you could change dinner plans, or decide to stay out a little bit later, or walk past something brightly coloured and heavily marketed, and nobody screamed or threw anything, and everyone that warranted your attention generally could be trusted to keep their heads on straight and their limbs from doing violence to themselves […]