Category Archives: Solidarity

Meet some really rad boss moms

Genny Shaw, Owner at Hazelnut & Rose, Nursing and Maternity Boutique.  I met Genny when I was pregnant. I wandered into her little shop in search of some maternity clothing that, quite simply, made me look and feel good. I hadn’t had much luck at the one maternity store in the mall. Their styles were […]

A Momma’s First Night Away…

Six hundred and forty-four days…Fragmented sleep. Night wakings. Sickness. Teething. Developmental leaps. More sickness. More teething. And so and so forth. I can’t recall what a “full night’s sleep” feels like, nor do I remember what I use to do with all my “free time”. I’m bloody friggin’ tired, and despite feeling like “how the […]

It’s Not Your Fault. Your Toddler Is An A**hole.

Remember when you could change dinner plans, or decide to stay out a little bit later, or walk past something brightly coloured and heavily marketed, and nobody screamed or threw anything, and everyone that warranted your attention generally could be trusted to keep their heads on straight and their limbs from doing violence to themselves […]

Seven Ways To Reduce Yuletide Burnout And Keep The Crying In The Bathroom To A Minimum.

Maybe it’s just me but the holidays are stressful, no?! Especially since becoming a parent. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely adore this time of the year, at least in theory; magic, miracles, the spirit of giving and everyone sitting around a cozy fire, roasting chestnuts. I mean, c’mon, it’s picturesque. Okay, maybe I’ve watched […]