Category Archives: Adventures in Motherhood

A love letter to my book club.

Nearly two years ago, after twenty years of living away and many years of deliberation, not to mention, waiting for our careers to provide geographic independence, my husband and I sold our home in the city and moved our young family to a small, rural village.  While our move brought us to a place, near […]

20 Minutes I Never Regret.

  This fall season has been complete madness for me. I’m not complaining. I love running Oh Mother and it allows me to work from home and be a full time momma to my tot. However, sometimes, it’s a lot to juggle and I get overwhelmed. The one thing that I’ve always fallen back on […]

What I Did to Overcome My Fears & Anxieties about Growing & Birthing a Human

I wasn’t always certain about having children, which made it easier to ignore the fact that I was terrified of pregnancy and childbirth. It was a big fat mental block that had me completely stalled at a very real emotional impasse. Forget that women have been having babies since the beginning of time, I was […]

A Momma’s First Night Away…

Six hundred and forty-four days…Fragmented sleep. Night wakings. Sickness. Teething. Developmental leaps. More sickness. More teething. And so and so forth. I can’t recall what a “full night’s sleep” feels like, nor do I remember what I use to do with all my “free time”. I’m bloody friggin’ tired, and despite feeling like “how the […]