1. Receiving mail that is not a flyer for your local pizzeria or a utility bill feels awesome. Beautifully and thoughtfully curated care packages delivered at the beginning of every season. AMAZING! 2. You work damn hard as a mom, amirite?! Multi-tasking like a boss and making sure everyone’s needs are met. You definitely deserve […]
This week, my first shipment of Oh Mother Care Kits went out to customers, marking the most exciting and important milestone yet! Just four months ago, I had this idea to create care packages especially for moms and now, here I am sending off my inaugural Summer 2016 Care Kits to much-deserving mommas across the […]
I originally started receiving acupuncture treatment for tension headaches. My chiropractor recommended someone, Dr. Lana Liable. Little did I know how much she would do for my life. At first, I was apprehensive. I’m not great with needles. In fact, I have fainted on a few occasions when giving blood. I was also a little […]
First things first. I’m no expert. I’m a new mom with lots of learning curves still ahead of me. I’ve made mistakes, lots of ‘em. I have days where I want to run, screaming out the front door. Motherhood is so much harder than most of us make it look. It’s messy, both figuratively and […]