It’s time for the big reveal, a moment I have been eagerly awaiting for months. Since this is Oh Mother Care Kits inaugural box, I spent a lot of time searching for the perfect products to feature. I wanted everything to be just right and of course, reflective of the summer season and all things […]
I love a good baby shower, a mid-afternoon social time with lots of delicious food and a chance to goo and gaa over the adorableness of baby clothes and accessories. Yes, please. Speaking from experience, based on my own baby shower, it’s wonderful to be showered with cute outfits, booties, baby blankets, rattles and all […]
Pregnancy is such an exciting time. The emotional excitement of expecting can leave you bubbling with anticipation looking to share your good news with those around you. Yet, at the same time, the pace of change in your life seems to quicken and the unknowns that come with pregnancy are often accompanied with anxiety and […]
Let’s face it. There is no shortage of adorable gifts for newborns. Everything is so itsy, bitsy and cute, it’s difficult to resist, right?! Certainly, I would never fault someone for giving in to the adorableness of those miniature baby moccasins or those teeny tiny onesies. However, in the process of spoiling new babes, we often forget about the […]