Category Archives: Foodie Friday

Foodie Friday: Roasted Tomato Pesto Pasta Night! (say that 10 times fast)

This is seriously my son’s favourite meal right now and it’s perfect because tomatoes are in season so we eat them a lot! The only downside is you have to have the oven on for about an hour so it’s best to do this on a day when it’s not 30+ degrees (haha!) Unless of […]

FOODIE FRIDAY: When mornings are not your friend; these pancakes will be.

I’m not a morning person. Waking up before 8:00am feels torturous to me. Pre-baby, I definitely dramaticized my disdain for mornings by pushing the snooze a million times and lingering on the edge of the bed for a while, staring at the wall while moaning and groaning. I think back on this time with some […]