Category Archives: Navigating Motherhood

Why Our Postpartum Care Package is Seriously the Best Gift for Any New Mom.

There are a few things I know for certain when a new baby is born; The new mom is exhausted because birth is always a physically, emotionally and mentally draining ordeal. The new mom has zero time for herself. Like a shower and a solitary trip to the toilet are luxuries. Visitors will flock in […]

What I Did to Overcome My Fears & Anxieties about Growing & Birthing a Human

I wasn’t always certain about having children, which made it easier to ignore the fact that I was terrified of pregnancy and childbirth. It was a big fat mental block that had me completely stalled at a very real emotional impasse. Forget that women have been having babies since the beginning of time, I was […]

A Momma’s First Night Away…

Six hundred and forty-four days…Fragmented sleep. Night wakings. Sickness. Teething. Developmental leaps. More sickness. More teething. And so and so forth. I can’t recall what a “full night’s sleep” feels like, nor do I remember what I use to do with all my “free time”. I’m bloody friggin’ tired, and despite feeling like “how the […]

Gifts To Get A Rad NEW Baby Momma That Don’t Suck [Postpartum Edition]

[metaslider id=2096] Babies get all the good stuff. Serious. I mean, baby things are itty-bitty and thus, friggin’ adorable, yes but that’s besides the point. Where is the love for momma? After all, she’s the one that just grew and gave life to the lil’ fooshnicken, right?! And she’s the one that will carry the […]